Alerts & Important Notes


The purpose of this guide is to describe how users can create an alert or an important message for clinicians, admin and superusers to see. Please see our detailed instructions below or our quick video here:

Creating an Alert or Important message

  1. When you are in a user, select Create ‘Profile Note’,
  2. When creating a Profile note you will notice a flag drop down, Make a selection of the type of message you would like to create:
    1. Risk, or 
    2. Important.

Figure 1 - Profile Notes - Creating a Risk Alert

  1. Add a title and message to the chosen flag and save the note.

Viewing the message

  1. Client list - when you search for a client, a relevant icon will appear below the clients name indicating an alert. If you hover over the alert you will be able to view the message.
  2. Client Profile - When a client has been selected the alert will display at the top of the clients details.

Figure 2: Viewing alerts.

Figure 3 - Client List - Hovering over icons

Figure 4 - Client profile - viewing alerts 

Clearing the message

  1. To clear the message you hover over the message and click the  “x”. This will ask if you would like to unpin the message. 
  2. If selected Yes, the message will no longer display.

Figure 5 - Removing an alert

Figure 6 - Unpin an alert

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