How to book and invoice Activities

We’ve added a new type of appointment to our calendar feature and it's called Activities. Activities are calendar events that do not include communications to the client, but are assigned to a client. This means that the event will be assigned to a client or group, but the client will not be informed of it, and will not receive a calendar invite. This allows services to track other activities that may be linked to a client and / or invoice a referrer for an activity.


  1. Add the Activity appointment type in the Calendar Settings>Appointment Types
    • No set date/time, delivery mode, or room requirement
    • Pre-set duration and rate, with checkbox to allow flexibility
      • During booking: If the duration checkbox is not selected only the start time can be changed
      • During booking: If the rate setting checkbox is not selected the fee will not be editable
  1. Book the Activity the calendar
    • Use the 'in-line' calendar (not the 'Add New' button)
    • Can be assigned to a client or group
    • Select whether you would like the time in your diary to be marked as ‘Free’ or 'Busy' - would you like to allow client appointments or any other appointments to be booked over this time.
  1. Add the Activity Appointment Type to an invoice.
  2. View the Activity Appointment in a client's profile>Appointments

Things to Note

  • Activities cannot be booked in the 'Add New' appointment booking modal, in the calendar - must use 'in-line' by clicking on a day and time in the calendar itself.
  • Clients are not informed of activities when they are created, updated, or cancelled, and do not receive reminders for them
  • Activities do not show up in the client portal, and activity types cannot be booked in Engage flows or the client portal booking flow

Client Profile>Appointments:

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