How to search for a client

You can search for a client using the search bar in the top right corner of Tacklit. Use 'Client Name' to search for 'First Name Last Name' or 'Last Name First Name'.

You can also search using a clients full email address (it must be the full email address, it can't be incomplete) or mobile number (It must include the country code +61444555666 - if you don't get any results, try adding in the zero after the country code and before the mobile number).

Whichever list you are searching in, the results will be populated in each list; Active, Waitlist and Closed Clients.

If you can't see the client name in the list you are searching in, check the Active, Closed, Waitlist menu on the left to see if you have any matches. For example in the below screenshot, it shows you how many 'Sally Smith' clients are in each client list. 1/172 Active Clients match this search and 1/108 Waitlist clients match this search.

You also have the ability to search for Parent Name and ClientID, as well as just the first or last names.

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