What are the different user role types?
An overview of the role types and what they can do are below. If you would like to change a role of a team member, go to the team tab, click the team member and use the action button in the top right of the screen to change the role.
- Access to all information across the platform.
- Can create new client profiles.
- Can view and edit all client profiles and clinical details.
- Can set and edit appointments for all practitioners.
- Responsible for creating and maintaining templates.
- Creates and manages appointment types.
- Sets up financial payment methods.
- Responsible for service notification settings, MFA, system connections (such as Stripe, Xero).
- Creates Custom Data Fields.
- Create and manage Groups.
- Access to Analytics
- Send SMS's
- Manage Teams, adding and changing user permissions and updating user profiles
Here is a superuser menu view:
- Can view all client information except clinical information, and information deemed Clinical under an Episode of Care.
- Cannot edit templates or appointment types
- Can create new client profiles, active or waitlist
- Can view and edit all client profiles, with no access to clinical information
- Can set and edit appointments for all practitioners.
- Can create Custom Data Field categories and data fields
- Can view groups.
- Can add and remove clients from groups, and update stages.
- Can facilitate surveys, psychometrics and consent forms for clients.
- Can complete invoicing activities
- Can create and send reports and letters
- Send SMS's
Here is the menu options of an Administrator:
- Can complete all actions on a client profile
- Create new clients
- Update stages to an already assigned group
- Edit profile information
- Send and view forms and psychometrics
- Write and read clinical notes
- Manage own appointments and view rooms in calendar
- Create Micro Journal programs and assign clients to them
- View groups assigned to them, and the client profiles within
- Can complete invoicing activities
- Send SMS's
- Create report/letter templates, and utilise service templates
- Manage own profile, including working schedule and Medicare details (Australia)
Here is a Practitioner menu:
- Can only view list of appointments created for them by superuser or practitioner
- Can only view client name
- Can complete basic 'case note' for that client and save notes against each appointment
All notes captured by a mentor are saved to the client profile for a practitioner or superuser to view