Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) Claim
Some important considerations
- Firstly, ensure you have completed and submit the HW019 or HW027 form. [Note: HW027 - Online claiming provider agreement form. Use this form to register for online claiming with Medicare (processor of DVA claims)
- Pre-requisite is setting up the client DVA details in the Medicare tab of the client profile.
- It is a good idea for the service to set up automated invoicing in a clients profile so the invoice is automatically generated, which is one less step during the claim process.
- Automated invoices should be sent to 'Other' and a generic email address used so as not to be sent to the client.
- Alternatively, upon completion of an appointment, generate an invoice manually in the invoicing tab.
- To make a claim the Event and Payment need to have occurred.
About our DVA claims
- Client is required to possess a valid DVA card with a DVA file number to be eligible for DVA claims
- In order to direct payment to the service, the Service Provider Number needs to be added (a Superuser sets this up)
a. Go to the Control Panel > System Connections > Medicare
The service needs to add/edit the Location ID's with a Location Type (a Superuser sets this up)
The client's DVA details needs to be added to the Client's Profile, Medicare tab and validated
Submit claim for DVA
- Go to the Client Profile, Medicare, and Submit New Claim
- Click on the three dots next to the invoice overview and select Bulk-bill Claim
- When creating a DVA claim, ensure the following fields are correctly filled in.
a. MBS code - this must be applicable to the conducted appointment
b. Location ID - this must be where the appointment was conducted
c. Servicing Provider Number - this must be the provider number of the clinician who conducted the appointment
d. Alternatively, selecting the Servicing Provider Name will auto populate the Location ID and Servicing Provider Number fields respectively
e. Pay Benefit To - this will be the account paid for the DVA claim